
The english version of the series I 'M Your Second Self

I'M Your Second Self. Mayan Calendar (Ja jestem innym TY. Kalendarz Majow/i> is a five-part series by Hanna Kotwicka. A Guide (part I) and A Key to the Calendar (part II), translated by Marek Geisler and Olga Sikorska.

The books hold a completely different kind of a KNOWLEDGE. This is where you will be acquainted with the overall background of events, find out whether the year 2012 will mark the end of the world, learn what the next day, month or year will bring. This is where you will find out who you are and why you're here.

What will the next day, month or year bring? Will my dreams come true? Where have I come from and why am I here? Will the world come to an end in 2012? The series answer these questions.

Many keep posing these questions. Some of us, haunted by misfortune or exhausted with trying to keep our heads above water, turn to soothsayers, clairvoyants and astrologers for help. Yet, we ourselves can recognize and then use our hidden abilities at the most poignant of moments. The Guide and The Key to the Calendar which constitute parts 1 and 2 of the series I'M Your Second Self - Mayan Calendar will help you do this.

The Maya Calendar is not a horoscope; it's a bridge to help you cross the three-dimensional horizons. It holds practical clues for every day of the year, to help you avoid making mistakes, to help you solve problems, and gain a deeper insight into the days that lie ahead. You will know that there's no need to look for the meaning of life, it's already there, you just have to understand it. By watching your personal 13-month rhythm with its roots in your date of birth, you'll gain an understanding of the many issues you come across. Things you couldn't comprehend will from now on become completely clear.

The Galactic Birth Certificate tells us where we've come from and why we are here; it displays the areas of our future activity, indicates the gifts and strengths that will support the human being throughout his terrestrial journey. On the day we're born we're assigned a solar seal; one of the twenty patterns of behavior. The seal's color is important as it indicates which chromatic family you belong to. Red seals code precursors, the initiators of change; White seals code those who refine and bring about order; Blue seals watch over those who bring about transformation (healing), those coded by a blue seal should serve as a role model. Yellow seals code teachers, whose job it is to enlighten and aid in understanding the spirit of TIME.

On the day we're born we are assigned a seal and one of the thirteen tones. This can either be the first tone called the magnetic tone of destiny which orders you to open your heart to unconditional love, or the second polar tone of stimuli telling you to reach harmony in relationships, or any other tone out of the sacred thirteen. Every seal and tone has a light and a shadow polarity. Working through the shadow polarity may prove to be quite painful for us and our immediate surroundings. For example, the light polarity of the seal of the RED SERPENT rewards us with vital strengths, good health and a sense of humor, gives us joy, satisfying sex. Regrettably, the dark, primordial energy of the Serpent doesn't know any morals. The shadow polarity of the Blue Night brings on fears, depression, phobias, and scarcity; conversely, the light polarity brings about numerous ideas, creativity, independence, and prepares the ground for profound spiritual experiences.

Those with the ability to realize that they've been realizing the programs imprinted on them by the shadow polarity, will find clues on how to transform it into the wisdom of light. It's easy to find your seal by using the tables provided in The Key to the Calendar. By learning the mysteries of the laws of TIME with the help of the Calendar, you will gain a correct insight into TIME's structure and precisely choose what days are best to carry out particular tasks. You will find the most important path of all: the path that leads to your centeredness.