About us

  Ariel Spilsbury

Ever since she can remember, she was fascinated by myths, symbols, the language of imagery, with ceremonies, the planet Sirius, and with the color purple. She studied teaching, worked as a teacher in experimental schools, and then worked as an advisor specializing in teaching methods. Today, Ariel is the mistress of ceremony, she runs workshops and is a sound therapist.

  Michael Bryner

For years his interests dwelled on ancient cultures, on the spiritualism of the Maya culture, on shamanism and mysticism. After getting into college to study psychology, he also studied acupuncture and Oriental medicine. The near-death experience he had in 1986 had had a tremendous effect on his future life, deepening his commitment to the spiritual awakening of the humanity. He worked as as a holistic therapist, a shaman advisor, a teacher and a workshop lecturer. Unfortunately he has passed from this world.